Ball-ring mills
Ball ring mills are machines designed for grinding (pulverising), drying and
classifying grains of brittle raw materials, such as:
- hard coal;
- limestone;
- lime and others.
Ball-ring mills are used in the power engineering industry, cement and lime processing, chemical works etc.
Ball-ring mills are included in the group of crushing mills in which the grinding process is carried out by crushing and abrading of the material between the grinding elements – the crushing ring and the balls. Depending on the type of material being ground and the quality of milling, the yields obtained in the mill can, depending on the size of the mill, vary from a few to several dozen tons per hour.
The ball-ring mills, thanks to their design, are highly reliable machinery with an availability index reaching 90- 95% (also taking into account the repair time). They have a structure that is resistant to the presence of hard inclusions and are suitable for grinding the hardest and most erosive materials. The ball-ring mills use drives meeting the relevant noise emission standards.
The ball-ring mills are manufactured based on our own documentation, and the range of mills we offer includes machinery with a base capacity from 6 to 121 tons per hour.
Starting from 1962, FPM S.A. has produced and delivered to Polish and foreign customers more than 791 of ball-ring mills.
We guarantee our customers a comprehensive supply of spare parts for their mills and full warranty and out-of-warranty service.